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About Scriptable for Dummies

Welcome to Scriptable for Dummies!

What is this?​

Scriptable for Dummies is a complement to the official Scriptable documentation. Whereas the official docs detail Scriptable's various APIs, this website aims to show you how to put those APIs to actual use.

This is not a replacement for the official documentation; there's no point in documenting the same thing twice. Rather, Scriptable for Dummies seeks to fill in gaps in the official documentation, including practical examples, tutorials, and even some undocumented functions.

You can find different topics in the table of contents. On desktop, you should see it in the left sidebar. On mobile, you should see it after pressing an icon with arrows in the top left corner.

Something missing?​

If you have ideas for more β€œHow To” tutorials or additional information that should be on this page, let us know!